Saturday, July 2, 2016

Learn How to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids Naturally

If you want to treat hemorrhoids then you have to first figure out whether or not you're dealing with internal or external hemorrhoids. Once you know what you're dealing with you can then apply the best hemorrhoid treatment to get rid of symptoms fast.

Most people with hemorrhoids think that surgery is the only way to get rid of this problem. However, there are natural remedies for hemorrhoids that have been proven to work too. These remedies don't cost a lot of money to use and they won't cause any unwanted side effects like surgery or some doctor prescribed creams can. The first thing you should do though before you starting treating yourself with home remedies is get a diagnosis. A proper diagnosis will help make sure you are in fact dealing with a hemorrhoid and not something else. Doctors will examine you by inserting their hand into your rectal area and checking for swollen veins Another way doctors will diagnosis you is by using a tool to check for signs of hemorrhoids.

Some of the best home remedies for hemorrhoids include:

Drinking a lot of water so that you can keep your stools soft. The softer your stools are the easier they are able to pass through your anal canal, which leads to less irritation and straining. The less you strain the faster your hemorrhoids can heal and the better you'll be at preventing them. Drinking a good amount of water daily is definitely one of the best ways to treat hemorrhoids naturally.

Along with drinking water you should be avoiding certain beverages like carbonated drinks because they can actually aggravate your existing hemorrhoids and make them worse. Not only carbonated drinks but also beer, wine, and alcoholic beverages should be avoided to prevent hemorrhoids and keep them from getting worse.

Try not to sit down on the toilet seat for too long because this can cause a lot of irritation and straining that makes your hemorrhoids worse as well. If you find that you can't relieve yourself after a certain time on the toilet seat then just get up and try again later when you feel like you have to go.

A sitz bath is definitely one of the best ways to get rid of hemorrhoids naturally. A sitz bath involves sitting in a tub filled with warm water and then allowing it to heal the hemorrhoids. If you don't have a bath tub then you can just buy one from the store.

To learn more about hemorrhoid treatment please visit